Halong Dua Islet

In Bai Tu Long Bay of viet nam, some 7 km east of Bai Tho (Poem) Mountain stands a stone islet, which resembles a huge magic wand in Andersen’s fairy tales. The islet is rocky mountain with 40 m high. From the northwest, It looks like imperial mandarin in blue uniform whose arms folded across his chest. Halong fisherman usually called Ong Islet instead of Dua Islet.

Halong Dua Islet

The Islet is a vivid evidence of the value of geological and geomorphological characteristics of the bay. The Islet is not only a fascinating sight on the Gulf but also a “lighthouse” for seagoing boats,Halong Cruises.

Maybe like:

  •  hanois old quarter,
  • Ham Rong mountain sa pa Lao Cai.
